Sunday, March 15, 2020

Have You Written Your Thank You Letter Yet -

Have You Written Your Thank You Letter Yet -Now that weve officially settled into the digital age, many old-school job seeking practices have been thrown out the window. One formality that was popular years ago but has all but faded away is sending a thank you letter.What is a Thank You Letter?A thank you letter is a note or card sent to a hiring manager via snail mail. Its usually sent after youve completed the interview process to let the manager know that you appreciate them taking time to meet with you and that you thoroughly enjoyed the interview.Thank you letters also give you an opportunity to reitetarif why youre excited about the ort for which youre applying while clueing the manager in to the fact that youd like to continue your communications with them in the near future. The letters are usually short and to-the-point, serving as a quick reminder that youre still very actively pursuing the job.Why Thank You Letters Are Still ImportantMost hiring managers will tell you that only a small number of interviewees follow up with a thank you letter. This means if you send one, you increase your chances of standing out from the rest of the pack.Of course, a thank you letter cant guarantee you a job offer. If youre not qualified, youre just not qualified. But it could at least encourage a manager to more seriously consider you as a candidate.Remember, the job search is all about being qualified, memorable, and politetwo of which are covered by the thank you letter. So take time to write one after each interview. You might be surprised by the results.Jessica Hernandez, expert resume writer, is a nationally-recognized resume authority and former HR Manager who has achieved over a 99% success rate securing interviews with prestigious organizations through exclusive, personal branding strategies. The President/CEO of Great Resumes Fast, she and her team partner with professional- and executive-level candidates.

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