Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Its My Birthday! Heres Whats In Store for 41 - When I Grow Up

Its My Birthday! Heres Whats In Store for 41 - When I Grow Up It’s my birthday today, so I made you a 17 minute video! (Is that a present? I can’t tell, ha! I know it’s long, I have issues, it’s fine.) Seriously, you guys gave me such a strong, sweet, positive reaction to my 2018 By The Numbers infographic (thank you!), I wanted to peel back the curtain on my business even more. 10 years into coaching and almost 9 years of being a Woman Of The World (aka full-time biz owner), you can hear: What’s changing? What’s staying the same? What am I planning and dreaming and scheming about? Why the heck did I raise my one-on-one coaching prices and why am I dropping the price for Discover Your Dream Business? Will I be opening up Build Your Client Base publicly in 2019? What’s availability like for 90 Day Business Launch? Ooh, and what about that Dream To Done program I keep dropping hints about (which you can learn about first on Wednesday’s free webinar, Leave Your Job Launch Your Dream Business in 2019!)? This is why this turned into a 17 minute video! I even lay out my trust issues, oy. And while I had every intention to film it on my husband’s fancy camera and make him edit it with some music and title/end cards, this week blew up (my kid got pink eye! Zoom went down! I got an email from a stranger that hurt my feelings! etc) and I’m getting this together at the 11th hour. It’s just you, me and my webcam. Making it work, CEO style. And yes, this *was* the only screengrab that Vimeo chose as my thumbnail and I am *here* for it. My biggest gift this year? Helping you bring your dream business to life in 2019! 41, here we come!

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