Monday, June 15, 2020

Job Interview Jitters 6 Brilliant Ways to Calm Your Nerves Down

Job Interview Jitters 6 Brilliant Ways to Calm Your Nerves Down Sweaty palms, shortness of breath, racing of heart. These are things we experience before and during a job interview; an interview for our dream job is probably the most nerve-racking. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be frustrating and stressful anymore! Overcome your job interview jitters by remembering these tips:Avoid drinking coffee before the interviewWhen you drink coffee, your already pumped adrenaline will spike even more. This will make you feel more nervous and restless. It’s best to avoid caffeinated beverages at all cost.Breathe slowlyRemind yourself to breathe slowly before, during, and after the interview. This will help keep you calm and relaxed.Expect what you might encounterBefore the interview browse through books and articles about interview queries to help you prepare for questions you might encounter.Rehearse interview responses beforehandMany of us suffer from fear of public speaking. We stutter and get conscious during the interview even if we know the answers to all the questions. So it’s always better to practice before the big day.Encourage yourself with a pep-talkTry to stay relax and calm as much as possible. “This job is mine.” “I’m prepared.” “I can do this!” Keep repeating these mantras in your head to boost your confidence.Remember the reason you were invitedThink of yourself as a professional. Keep in mind that you were invited for a reason; someone believes in your ability to take the position.Sell yourselfTalk about yourself, your strengths, and your experiences. Prove that you can help their company grow.We all know that there are countless job openings today; but the number of applicants who compete for the positions are boundless. So if youre the candidate the employer selects, be sure to prepare an attractive curriculum vitae that will easily draw your recruiters attention. Highlight your skills and ensure that the hiring manager chooses your resume from the rest.Source: US News

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